Command Line Switches


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The compiled version of SVAR can be run from the command line in the following way:


(s)var [options] [inputfile]


where the inputfile must have the extension var or fig.




-d DIR, --dir=DIR       Directory where Structural VAR is located.

-f, --figure            Run Structural VAR in MatLab fig viewing mode (not

                       necessary if the inputfile has the extension 'fig').

-h, --help, -?          Shows help screen and exits.

-r, --run               Begin estimation with inputfile (requires a valid

                       'var' inputfile).

-v, --version           Shows current version number and exits.


The MatLab release accepts input just like any other matlab function, i.e. a comma-separated list of input. Note that the order of the input is not important, with the exception of the -d switch, where DIR must follow directly afterwards. When svar is run instead of var there's no need to use the -d switch since svar already includes it.




Assuming that SVAR's base installation directory is c:\svar, and that you've saved the model file mymodel.var in the directory c:\var-models, consider the following commands for the stand-alone executables var.exe, svar.exe and figeditor.exe:


var                                            Starts up the program.

var -d c:\svar c:\var-models\mymodel.var       Starts the program with the model file

                                              "mymodel.var" and uses "var.ini" located

                                              in the directory "c:\svar".

var -r -d c:\svar c:\var-models\mymodel.var    Starts the program with the model file

                                              "mymodel.var", uses "var.ini" located in

                                              the directory "c:\svar" and immediately

                                              begins the estimation.

svar -r c:\var-models\mymodel.var              Starts the program with the model file

                                              "mymodel.var", uses "var.ini" located in

                                              the same directory as "svar.exe", and

                                              immediately begins the estimation.

var -f -d c:\svar                              Opens Structural VAR in FigEditor mode

                                              with a file open dialog.

figeditor                                      Does exactly the same as the previous


svar -f                                        And so does this command too.

var -d c:\svar c:\var-models\results\foo.fig   Opens SVAR in FigEditor mode

                                              with the MatLab fig file "foo.fig".


NOTE: For the compiled stand-alone release on Windoze I advice you to run Structural and the FigEditor through svar.exe and figeditor.exe. These are most easily accessible by clicking on the corresponding Icons in the Start Menu|Structural VAR program group.