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To change the default behavior of SVAR you click on the Tools menu in the main program window and select "Preferences", press "Ctrl+F", or click on the "Preferences" button on the toolbar. A new window pops up with 15 tabs, where the "General" tab is displayed on top.


1.General GUI behavior.
2.Select estimation method.
3.Select which test statistics to compute.
4.Select external viewers.
5.Options for Bayesian Estimation.
6.Graphics settings.
7.Cointegration settings.
8.Options for recursive analysis.
9.External command line applications.
11.Forecasting related options.
12.TeX and Friends applications.
13.Preamble text for LaTeX output file.
14.Control output format and select results to print to the output file.
15.Miscellaneous options.


    Figure: The General tab on the Preferences dialog.